Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Stoned Soul

Perhaps I'm so stoned,
I found the rocks the most mesmerizing,
Of all colours and shapes,
With moss sitting on them making it slippery,
Like dreams sitting on the eyelids making life slippery,
Still it added to the beauty of rocks,
Still it added  to the beauty of life,
Then I found my soul telling me the truth,
I'm enchanted by what I am, a stoned human.

Come and Crush me,
I've waited long enough,
For the water to flow over me and cleanse me,
For floods to move me a little,
For an Earthquake to break me,
Destruction I want,
I've waited long enough,
Crush me and make me dust,
I want to lose myself,
Come and deliver me from the life of a stone,
Give me a new shape,
So that I can be of aid,

I've waited long in this river of life,
With moss growing over me,
Making me colourful yet deplorable,
Just help me, help me, help me Lord!


  1. it is a GEM of a prayer.there can not be a better expression of the agonies that got crystalised over a period of time,the poet not being a rolling stone has gathered moss and that mossis now a part of her existance,bringing greenery,,an impassioned pleading to 'crush' you into pieces so that another shape could be build, it is an amazing thought and plead,,just loved it for every aspect of poetry,,

    1. Thank you so much for percolating to the depth of the agonized soul. I'm truly thankful, because a writer if can reach one heart and is able to convey the message, I think poetry achieves it's function.

  2. Love you always

    1. Thank You Harsh. May God shower loads of love in your life too.
